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Top Celebrity Agent Fooled Around and Found Out


No joke
Kitty Laing, the head of comedy at talent agency United Artists, is in a mess of her own making. She reposted many offensive social media posts about the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. Now she reaps the whirlwind.
Laing’s clients include comedians Katherine Ryan and Jamie Demetriou. Her other clients include Keira Knightley. The blowback was such a surprise to her that she briefly deleted her account on X. Then she returned to apologize, only to delete her account again. She describes her actions as a result of being naive. Or just another anti-Semitic liberal. YMMV.
United Artists has ordered an investigation into the matter. Her posts are quite vile, as published by the Daily Mail.
One post, which Laing reposted two days after the October 7 attack (which saw 1400 Israelis – mainly civilians – killed) read: ‘It feels like somehow the word settler has lost its meaning if it can be understood as “civilian”. Maybe a new phrase is needed like “settler paramilitary”.’
Another, about the bombing of the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza, read: ‘Y’all were excited to repost the fake beheaded babies but these real babies now have mere hours left.’
Propaganda for Hamas doesn’t get any better than that, does it? Comedians began to speak out. One Oscar-nominated comedy writer, Lee Kern, spoke about a friend’s family who were forced to watch their children being murdered as Hamas filmed their reactions.
Exposing her tweets, he wrote: ‘Kitty has been on a wicked spree sharing hateful c**p promoting mockery of Jews murdered in terror attacks and conspiracies that currently Islamists and neo-Nazis are spreading online.

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