Home United States USA — China Why China Is Siding With Hamas

Why China Is Siding With Hamas


It’s vital to understand Beijing’s actions within the context of the Chinese Communist Party’s urgent needs due to its struggling economy.
Since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, brutally massacring 1,400 Israelis and taking 200 hostage into Gaza, China has taken the side of Hamas, condemning what they have called Israel’s « excessive retaliatory actions. » On October 14, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Saudi counterpart that Israel’s actions had exceeded self-defense. « It should seriously listen to the calls of the international community and the United Nations secretary general and stop collective punishment of the people of Gaza, » Wang Yi said.
Su Lin, a prominent Chinese social media personality, went one step further, describing Hamas as « too soft » and equating Israel with the Nazis. And while Lin isn’t a government official, her hateful commentary managed to pass the online censorship in China, indicating official approval from Beijing and a deliberate strategy by the CCP.
What is this strategy? During his recent visit to Russia, Xi Jinping shared his vision for a « great transformation of the century » with Putin, seeking to replace the current U.S.-backed liberal world order with a multipolar international system, dethroning America from its position of global leadership.
To achieve this goal, propaganda serves as a vital tool for the CCP. Whenever the opportunity arises, Beijing enthusiastically promotes the narrative that the United States is the embodiment of arrogance and oppression—nothing more than an imperialist power, while the CCP is a responsible global force that seeks peace.
A China Global Television Network (CGTN) segment on October 15 was a case in point: It contrasted China’s calls for a cease-fire and humanitarian relief to Gaza with the U.S. deploying aircraft carriers in the region. The message was clear: the U.

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