Home United States USA — Political Hochul putting the National Guard in NYC subways is a political stunt

Hochul putting the National Guard in NYC subways is a political stunt


Gov. Kathy Hochul announced the deployment of National Guard troops to address subway crime, a problem Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his anti-crime brain trust solved a generation ago.
Think of it as the unbearable lightness of being Kathy.
This would be the latest stunt from the Hochul administration — the deployment of National Guard troops to address subway crime, a problem Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his anti-crime brain trust solved a generation ago.
Oh, for sure, not completely. As long as there are criminals, there will be subway crime.
But it was up 45% year-on-year in January, which is intolerable in an election year. Just ask any politician (save maybe AOC).
Enter Krazy Kat — and 750 uniformed National Guard soldiers with orders to search straphangers’ bags for weapons and other dangerous stuff.
That is to say, to do what amounts to stop-and-frisk — the prophylactic strategy developed by Giuliani and continued by Mayor Mike Bloomberg.
Criminals, fearful of being busted with a gun, began to leave the heat at home, and violent crime dropped like a rock down a well.
And not just on the subways: Armed muggers take the trains to work, too.
But the practice gave progressives and their fellow travelers the fainting fantods, so it was abandoned.

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