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After Iran’s attack on Israel, the world must act: this is a crisis that threatens us all


Netanyahu wanted a wider conflict, and Tehran has walked into his trap. The major powers must immediately head this off
The missiles and drones that rained destruction on Israel in the early hours of Sunday morning have given Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, what he’s always craved – a mandate and justification for openly attacking Iran, a country he has long viewed as Israel’s archenemy and possible nemesis. The pressing question, which may be answered within hours, is what form Israel’s promised “significant response” will take – and whether Iran, in turn, will strike back again. “We will build a regional coalition and exact the price from Iran in the fashion and timing that is right for us,” said the Israeli minister Benny Gantz, as the Israeli war cabinet met to discuss Israel’s response today.
It is incumbent on the US, Britain and other friends and allies of Israel to inform Netanyahu in plain terms that continued military, diplomatic and political support is conditional on a legitimate and proportionate Israeli riposte. It would be preferable if Israel did not hit back at all. Iran failed in its apparent aim of inflicting serious harm. Israel says 99% of its missiles and drones were destroyed. Thankfully, casualties have been light. Tehran now says, a little hopefully, that the episode is “concluded” – but vows to fight back if attacked.
Netanyahu’s wisest course would be to hold up the attacks to the world as supposed incontrovertible proof of his hawkish view: that Iran is a malign, dangerous rogue state that flouts international law and imperils Israel, Arab and western states. Instead of blindly lashing out – for example, at Iran’s nuclear facilities – he should argue that the Islamic republic’s hardline leadership and its supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, have shown their true colours – and deserve collective, international punitive action.
On past form, it is unrealistic to expect Netanyahu to turn the other cheek. Tehran’s action has presented him with a unique opportunity to switch global attention away from his government’s appalling depredations in Gaza and his failure to defeat Hamas. He may say that the war against Hamas has been transformed into an existential war against its puppet masters in Tehran – and that people of goodwill, at home and abroad, must rally round his leadership to ensure a necessary victory.
The fact that Netanyahu and his inner war cabinet appear to have deliberately and recklessly provoked this showdown should not be forgotten as the crisis unfolds.

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