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Biden must drop out of presidential race, for someone who can beat Trump


Donald Trump is a convicted felon who lied more than 30 times in 90 minutes during Thursday’s debate. Biden must step aside for the good of America.
This last week of June 2024 will go down in history as one of the most consequential in American politics.
Thursday, June 27, in particular, will go down as one of the most consequential debates in American elections — perhaps even more so than Nixon/Kennedy or Lincoln/Douglas.
That’s because the CNN debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump was an absolute, unmitigated disaster for the American people, and it alone could change the course of history.
On one side, a convicted felon, sexual abuser, fraudster and habitual liar, who lied more than 30 times in 90 minutes — impressive velocity even for him.
On the other, a wilted, sometimes lost, feeble former boxing champ, now incapable of taking a swing, let alone landing a punch.
It was hard to watch on both counts, but for Biden, whose senior moments were well on display, the shockingly terrible performance seemed painful, especially for his supporters.
The sadness was widespread, and the post-debate chatter was reminiscent of a wake.
My friend and colleague Van Jones, who once worked in the Barack Obama-Joe Biden White House, seemed to be on the verge of tears when he said on CNN, “I love that guy. He’s a good man. He loves his country. He’s doing the best that he can. But he had a test to meet tonight. To restore confidence, of the country and of the base, and he failed to do that.”‘Heartbreaking in many ways’
Kennedy family scion Maria Shriver similarly tweeted, “I love Joe Biden.

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