Qualcomm just announced a new smartphone chip. It’s called the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2, and it should make 5G phones more accessible than ever before.
Qualcomm is pushing a new entry-level smartphone chip into its arsenal, and this one is expected to appear in phones toward the end of 2024. The silicon in question is the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2, which is a slightly watered-down version of the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 processor.
The two most promising aspects are faster connectivity and improved camera capabilities for budget Android phones. First, the 5G-ready chip promises downlink speeds of up to 1Gbps, which is much faster than the 4G-only silicon available in the comparable price bracket.
Second, it offers video stabilization and multi-frame noise reduction capabilities, promising sharper media capture.
United States
USA — IT Qualcomm’s new smartphone chip will make cheap 5G phones better than ever