Home United States USA — mix Why Dick Cheney's Endorsement of Kamala Is Utterly Worthless

Why Dick Cheney's Endorsement of Kamala Is Utterly Worthless


Last Friday, former vice president Dick Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris for president instead of Donald Trump. In more relevant news, my wife and I tried a new ice cream shop we found. It was meh.
In what CNN unconvincingly described as a « stunning move », Cheney called Donald Trump the « greatest threat to our republic » in our nation’s 248-year history and claimed that « [Trump] tried to steal the last election using lies and violence. » But anyone who has been watching the Cheneys knows there is nothing « stunning » about their hypocrisy in casting their supposed anti-violence votes against the candidate who tried to get the National Guard deployed to the Capitol on January 6 and who implored the protesters to « peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard » in favor of the candidate who helped raise $40 million to free violent BLM and Antifa insurrectionists.
It’s gotten beyond tiresome to argue in perpetuity with facts and evidence that the Left is unequivocally the party of violent street thugs who openly fight for the overthrow of the Constitution. The sky is blue. Taylor Swift is overrated. The Democrats use brownshirt tactics to affect their will through coercion and terrorism. This late in the game, those who don’t see this simply don’t want to see it. So my intention here is not to spend an entire article relitigating the obvious.
Assuming that Cheney’s endorsement is either coveted or beneficial speaks to an arrogance that only the most sheltered and detached of Washington swamp creatures enjoy. Cheney joins a short and uninfluential cadre of RINOs whose recent broadsides against conservatives and the Republican Party reflect not honor and integrity but a lack thereof.
It exposes the narcissism, resentment, and rigid inability to adapt to present-day circumstances. The cocktail party Republicans dogmatically refuse to concede that the ol’ country club, wink-and-nod way of cutting backroom deals with Democrats is increasingly a relic of the past. The fire eaters and true believers of the Squad/Sanders bent have largely ousted whatever remains of the Old Guard Liebermans and Manchins.
Adam Kinzinger thought he could save his House seat from Democrat redistricting if he jumped on board the anti-Trump train.

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