Epic Games clearly wants Fortnite to be everything and anything, and its newest gamemode appears to be a move into the competitive FPS space.
Epic Games clearly wants Fortnite to be everything and anything, and its newest gamemode appears to be a move into the competitive FPS space.
I know Fortnite is inherently competitive, given the whole number one victory royale, yeah Fortnite we ’bout to get down thing, but Epic has just announced a new mode that is going back to the basics when it comes to shooters: Ballistic. This new « Fortnite experience » as Epic likes to call it puts you in a « round-based 5v5 competitive game mode where strategy, tactical teamwork, and individual prowess are essential for victory. » The big thing here is that unlike the battle royale mode, this one is entirely in first-person, an obviously big shake-up for the ridiculously popular shooter.
United States
USA — software Fortnite, the everything game, is once again looking to be all you...