Sony has rewarded some of its most loyal third-parties and most lucrative partners in a strange awards ceremony
Since getting into the video game awards beat with GOTY Watch this year, I’ve been learning about all sorts of obscure, back-slapping awards events from around the video game industry — like last week’s TIGA Awards, handed out by the U.K. game industry’s trade body (Best Legal Services 2024: Lee & Thompson LLP). But the strangest by far are the PlayStation Partner Awards for the Japan/Asia region — special 30th anniversary edition.
The PlayStation Partner Awards are not voted on by the public (with one exception), critics, or industry bodies. They are handed out by Sony. And while most of the games being honored are good, that seems to be just a happy accident, because these awards are not about quality — or not only, anyway.
The top Excellence Award goes to the “title developed in the Japan/Asia region that have had a consistent and significant impact along with commercial success over the past three years.
United States
USA — software PlayStation says ‘thanks for making us money, guys’ with its 30th anniversary...