Home United States USA — software Mullet MadJack: Best Weapons, Ranked

Mullet MadJack: Best Weapons, Ranked


Mullet MadJack players have a fun range of weapons to choose from, but these are arguably the best of the bunch.
Mullet MadJack takes the concept of overstimulation and turns it into a video game. Players assume control of the titular protagonist as he wades through robo-billionaires to save an internet star. Everything the player sees is streamed to a live audience that is hooked up to Jack’s blood stream, injecting his body with dopamine every time he kills something. If he doesn’t, his 10 seconds of life ticks down, killing him at zero.
Built around arcade FPS gameplay, Jack makes use of an arsenal of weapons in his pursuit of constant stimulation. Each comes with their own unique play style and line of upgrades that only make them even more deadly. For those looking for big dopamine hits, here are the best weapons in Mullet MadJack. 8

The Handgun is a secret weapon rewarded to players after they complete the game.

It is a parody of the Pistol.

HAMMER95 have taken a page of Dead Space’s book with the Handgun. The weapon, unlocked after beating the game, is quite literally just a hand gun. While likely only included as a neat spoof reward for players, the weapon does come with a kick. Dealing a bit more damage than the Pistol, the Handgun can be viably used to complete a Mullet MadJack player’s run.
Its long-to mid-range capabilities make it quite versatile, too, but like other accuracy-based weapons in Mullet MadJack, lining up a shot can slow players down, losing them precious time. 7

Power: 3

Accuracy: 5

Speed: 10

The SMG’s high fire rate makes it one of Mullet MadJack’s most satisfying weapons to use, allowing players to quickly spray and pray through rooms. Despite the speed at which a player can dispatch an enemy with it, the SMG does come with a couple of downsides.
Its high rate of fire means players will be reloading more often, something that is more crucial here than other shooters because of the time mechanics at play.

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