Home United States USA — Sport Simone Biles dresses for Nassar survivors while winning 5th U. S. title

Simone Biles dresses for Nassar survivors while winning 5th U. S. title


« (The color) is for the survivors, » the champion gymnast said. « I stand with all of them and I think it’s kind of special to unite (people). »
BOSTON – Simone Biles won her fifth U. S. gymnastics title over the weekend.
And she did it wearing a teal-colored leotard; a conscious-and-powerful decision made to support the victims of former USA Gymnastics team doctor and Michigan State employee Larry Nassar.
« (The color) is for the survivors, » Biles said. « I stand with all of them and I think it’s kind of special to unite (people). »
Biles, a 4-time Olympic gold medalist, became the first woman in 24 years to post the top score on every event on her way to a national championship. But she was also one of an army of women who were abused by the disgraced doctor over the course of several decades.
The light shade of teal is the designated color for survivors of sexual abuse. According to the Associated Press, Biles came up with the idea eight months ago.
She now advances to the world championships which will take place in Qatar in October. Whether she will bust out the teal leotard on that stage remains to be seen.

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