Home GRASP/Japan $60M in virtual currency stolen in Japan virtual exchange hack

$60M in virtual currency stolen in Japan virtual exchange hack


Virtual currency exchange operator in Japan says bitcoin, monacoin, and bitcoin cash stolen after server illegally accessed for transfer
TOKYO — Digital currency worth around 6.7 billion yen ($60 million) has been stolen in Japan following a hacking attack, a virtual exchange operator said on Thursday. Osaka-based Tech Bureau, which operates virtual currency exchange Zaif, said its server had been illegally accessed and money transferred.
« We decline to comment on the details of how this illegal access occurred, as it is a crime and we’ve already asked the authorities to investigate, » Tech Bureau said in a statement.
It added that the virtual currencies stolen were bitcoin, monacoin, and bitcoin cash.
« We will prepare measures so that customers’ assets will not be affected » by the hack, it said, adding it would receive financial support from major shareholder Fisco Group.

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