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Are Googlers Demands About Harassment And Pay Going To Bring Change?


Google employees around the world walked out today, demanding changes from the internet giant on its handling of harassment and discrimination. Their demands are a good start, but not transformative. Here’s what they asked for, and what’s really needed to transform the workplace.
Employees walk out of Google’s offices in Mountain View, California in protest against the tech company’s mishandling of sexual misconduct allegations against executives. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
Google employees around the world walked out today, demanding changes from the internet giant on its handling of harassment and discrimination. The Googlers listed their calls for change in The Cut today, and while the Google employees’ demands are a great start, they’re not transformative. Here’s what they asked for, and what’s really needed to transform the workplace.
Googlers Demand A Publicly Disclosed Sexual Harassment Transparency Report. The employees are requesting that a report containing the number and type of harassment claims at Google over time, the number of victims and accused who left Google, and their exit packages.
What Would Be Even Better Is A Sexual Harassment Climate Survey. The problem with reporting on sexual harassment claims is that most sexual harassment victims do not report the harassment. Therefore, there could be rampant harassment at Google, and if employees were reluctant to report, it would not show up on the report the Googlers are requesting. Instead, a climate survey would allow Google to survey all of its employees to determine if they have been harassed themselves or witnessed others being harassed. The survey could also tap into other climate issues like whether employees feel respected, and whether they believe they have faced discrimination in pay or promotions. The survey could also be repeated annually to determine whether the atmosphere at Google is changing.
Googlers Demand Transparent Data On The Gender, Race And Ethnicity Pay Gap. The Google employees basically want statistics on promotion rates, project and job ladder change opportunities, and compensation aggregated by gender, race and ethnicity. They want these statistics to take into account the employee’s level and years of experience.
What Would Be Even Better Is Full Pay Transparency. The transparent data summary is a great start, but full pay transparency is really the only way to eliminate pay gaps. Finding out exactly what all your coworkers earn makes the pay gap problem self-correcting. There can be no statistical manipulation or hiding of problems. All the data would be there for everyone to see. Those who were not being paid fairly would be aware of the issue immediately.
Although Whole Foods adopted pay transparency several years ago, and some smaller tech companies have also jumped on board, it’s not an easy transition. In the mean time, if Google decides to go the easier route of releasing statistical analysis of pay, I would urge them to outsource the analysis to increase the credibility of their findings.
Googlers Demand An Improved Process For Reporting Sexual Misconduct. They feel that the current process forces HR to put management’s interests ahead of the interests of employees who are reporting harassment and discrimination.
What Would Be Better Is Outsourcing The Reporting Of Sexual Misconduct. Technology is Google’s area of expertise, not handling sexual harassment claims. Outsourcing the reporting of harassment and discrimination allows Google to focus on what it does best, and allows an outside organization to be in charge of processing any claims. The outside organization can be in charge of investigating the claims and may be less likely to defer to the wishes of Google’s management. Outsourcing also may make it easier for employees to report sexual misconduct, because employees may feel more comfortable speaking to someone outside of Google about their experiences with Google employees.
Googlers Make Yet More Demands. The Googlers also demand an end to forced arbitration in cases of harassment and discrimination. They also requested that the Chief Diversity Officer report directly to the CEO and that he or she be able to make recommendations directly to the Board of Directors. In addition, they would like an Employee Representative appointed to the Board.
What The Googlers Are Missing. Several of the allegations of Google employees that were released by the New York Times last week surrounded consent and consensual relationships. Google needs to teach its employees how to deal with attraction at work and how to have relationships in a professional environment.
Google has the opportunity to really transform the norms for business in this country. They could do the minimum required to keep their employees satisfied and coming to work each day, or they could take this opportunity to exceed the demands of their employees and to become a leader in creating a hospitable workplace and offering career potential to men and women of all races and ethnicities.
I am a lecturer at UCLA where I teach courses on psychology and gender. I have been published in The New York Times and Los Angeles Times, have discussed gender issues on Fox News, NPR and BBC. My book, Sex and the Office: Women, Men and the Sex Partition that’s Dividing the…
Kim Elsesser is the author of Sex and the Office: Women, Men and the Sex Partition that’s Dividing the Workplace .

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