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Campaign 'Heart and Soul': UK PM May Calls on Britons to Support Her Brexit Deal


On Sunday, the 27 leaders of the remaining EU nations are expected to endorse the draft Brexit deal, including the withdrawal agreement and the declaration on the future EU-UK relations.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May said in an open letter to the nation that she would campaign « heart and soul » to get her deal through the parliament, even amid a stiff opposition within and beyond her own party.
« It will be a deal that is in our national interest – one that works for our whole country and all of our people, whether you voted « Leave » or « Remain, » May said in the letter.
In particular, the UK Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) insists that the country’s government should renegotiate the Brexit withdrawal deal, saying that the rejection of the existing text does not necessarily lead to a no-deal scenario and implies further work on the agreement.

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