Beta testing for dark mode on Google Chrome for macOS Mojave is currently on, with a stable release expected soon.
The most popular feature of macOS 10.14 Mojave is, perhaps, the system-wide Dark Mode, with some software developers already updating their applications to adopt the new look. Google Chrome, however, is a little late to the party. macOS 10.14 Mojave Google Chrome
Although version 71 of Chrome was released this week, it doesn’t support a dark mode on macOS Mojave, but that’s about to change.
According to a Reddit thread, a Google developer submitted a code change a few days ago, suggesting that a dark theme for Chrome for macOS Mojave will be available in the near future. Reddit thread
The feature is currently in early beta testing as there are a few kinks that need to be ironed out before a public release. Read more: MacOS 10.14 Mojave problems: how to fix them MacOS 10.