Home GRASP/Korea South Korean animal rights group 'killed hundreds of dogs' rescued from meat...

South Korean animal rights group 'killed hundreds of dogs' rescued from meat farms


The leader of one of South Korea’s largest animal rights groups has been accused of secretly exterminating hundreds of rescued dogs, despite a declared no-kill policy.
The leader of one of South Korea’s largest animal rights groups has been accused of secretly exterminating hundreds of rescued dogs, despite a declared no-kill policy.
South Korean attitudes on canines are divided – about one million dogs are eaten every year in the country, often as a summertime delicacy.
But the tradition is declining as the nation increasingly embraces the idea of dogs as pets, with eating them now something of a taboo among young South Koreans.
For years, Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) has spearheaded campaigns to rescue canines from dogmeat farms across the country, accumulating some 23,000 members and around two billion won (£1.

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