Home United States USA — mix What Goes On in Those Brexit Talks in Brussels? ‘Nothing,’ Document Says

What Goes On in Those Brexit Talks in Brussels? ‘Nothing,’ Document Says


A confidential summary of the discussions between Prime Minister Theresa May and European Union leaders confirms what most people pretty much assumed.
BRUSSELS — Since her Brexit plan was overwhelmingly rejected last month, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain has repeatedly set off for Brussels, ostensibly to negotiate new terms for her country’s departure from the European Union.
Each mission has ended without a deal, or even a hint of progress, leaving baffled observers to wonder what, exactly, Mrs. May and European officials talk about in these get-togethers. Now, a confidential document summarizing a Feb. 7 meeting from the European side has offered up an answer: “Nothing.”
After each round of talks, top European officials provide a private readout to senior European diplomats, who in turn transcribe this for their own use. A European diplomat provided The New York Times with a copy of his document, which is a mixture of direct quotes and commentary. A spokesman for the British government in Brussels had no comment.
The readout shows that Mrs. May used the Feb. 7 meeting with the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, to once again request something that has repeatedly been rejected: a time limit on the so-called backstop provision concerning the Irish border, which as it stands could keep Britain in the European Union’s customs union indefinitely.
Ms. May suggested there was a possible alternative, but apparently did not offer any details about what that might be. “May did not explain what she meant by alternative arrangements to the backstop.

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