Home United States USA — Political 15 Claims From Trump’s Speech to CPAC, Fact-Checked

15 Claims From Trump’s Speech to CPAC, Fact-Checked


President Trump addressed the annual gathering of conservatives for over two hours on Saturday. Here’s a fact-check.
What Was Said
President Trump’s account of China’s tariff rates and his role in relation to them is distorted.
The United States charges a tariff of 2.5 percent — not “nothing” — on foreign car imports and raised the rate on Chinese vehicles to 27.5 percent over the summer.
China previously imposed a 25 percent tariff on foreign car imports but lowered that rate to 15 percent in July. As trade tensions between Beijing and Washington escalated, China then increased the tariffs on American cars to 40 percent to retaliate against Mr. Trump’s new tariffs before agreeing in December to temporarily suspend them.
What Was Said
Mr. Trump has escalated a previously exaggerated claim to a false one. The Green New Deal is a proposal by liberal Democrats to combat climate change. It was introduced by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Senator Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts.
The legislation does not call for eliminating airplanes, though a draft summary of the plan on Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s website did refer to getting rid of “emissions from cows or air travel.” Her staff has since retracted the post and said that it was incomplete and published by accident.

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