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Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie Says He Does Not See 'Articulate' People Among George Floyd Protesters


« A lot of [protesters] are just violent looters, and lawless criminals at this point because they are engaging in violence, » Massie said.
Republican Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie said in a Thursday interview that he doesn’t believe there’s a prevalence of racism among police and added that he hasn’t seen « an articulate person » among the racial justice protesters demonstrating against police brutality.
During June 4 episode of The Tom Roten Morning Show, a West Virginian conservative AM talk radio program, Massie was asked if there needs to be systemic change among police and if racism is prevalent in police departments.
« I don’t think it’s prevalent, » Massie said, adding that he thinks police « have a few bad apples here and there » with the vast majority of them being « patriotic, » « pro-Second Amendment » and « pro-Constitution. »
« Occasionally you have a few bad apples, and then the media tries to conflate those circumstances and those actors with every policeman and I think that’s wrong, » Massie said.
« What we do need nationally is to relook at our educational system, » he continued, saying of the protesters, « A lot of them are just violent looters, and lawless criminals at this point because they are engaging in violence.

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