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Former Bush staffers join with Democrats to turn Texas blue


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The State of Texas is not on the list of battleground states at Real Clear Politics but Democrats in Texas and in Washington, D. C. are fighting as though it is. On Tuesday a new hashtag popped up as trending on Twitter – #TrumpKilledTexas. The message is that the bad Orange Man has blood on his hands.
It’s the kind of hyperbole we’ve seen throughout Trump’s presidency but this one is a fundraising effort by Democrats disguised as a hashtag campaign. Down deep, they know that Trump will win Texas in November but until then they are continuing to lay the ground for future Democrat wins. The battle truly began back in 2013 with a group called Battleground Texas. At the time, Texas Republicans didn’t pay much attention though some conservative voters (such as myself) did take note and spoke up about the group. In my case, I wrote about it, including about the time I attended Battleground Texas’s initial organizational meeting in Houston. But, Texas Republicans were complacent after years of successful election victories, most notably in statewide elections. Republicans currently control a trifecta in Texas – when one party controls the three vital centers of state political power—the office of the governor, the state House, and the state Senate.
Democrats have made inroads in Texas, that is undeniable. In 2018, Democrats saw a lot of victories but still not at the state level. My own congressional district went Democrat for the first time ever. Democrats were more fired up to get out and vote than Republicans. So, the national Democrats and state Democrats are going all-in during this presidential election year. The group behind today’s hashtag works in conjunction with ActBlue.
If you think Texas is ready to turn blue, reply with #TrumpKillsTexas. Texans deserve better!
MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) July 28,2020
Democrats are spending money on ads in Texas.
Texas Democrats say they will roll out a seven-figure digital ad buy closer to Election Day as part of a reinvigorated effort to win a huge electoral prize for Joe Biden, partly by turning out minority voters in the state who are seen as the key to a Democratic victory.
In addition to the ad buy, which will materialize closer to November, the party is also doubling down on its commitment to get 2 million Texans registered to vote for November. This plays into the party’s already established strategy of winning back the state House this cycle.

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