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Bring America together again: The United States needs an experienced, compassionate president. That's Joe Biden.


Our divided nation needs an experienced, compassionate, respectful president. Joe Biden has proven he can be that leader. Trump has proven he cannot.
Joe Biden should be the next president of the United States. He is the right person at the right time to restore decency in public life. He will take seriously the challenges facing this country. Those challenges are many. The president elected on Nov.3 must bring our nation to the other side of an infectious disease pandemic while saving as many lives as possible. That requires a competent federal government that provides trustworthy information about safety precautions, accurate testing and development of an effective vaccine. He must actively work to calm civil unrest, which means using his bully pulpit to unequivocally denounce racism and use his administrative authority to foster equality and justice. He must dedicate himself to stabilizing the economy, with a special focus on improving the lives of working people, the backbone of this country. He must respect and heed the advice of scientists, even when that advice is hard to hear. He must recognize climate change as a threat to our future, work with Congress to reform our immigration system and restore our global relationships. The next president must work to bring Americans together for a common purpose: taking care of one another and striving to make this country as great as it can be. Vice President Joe Biden has proven he is capable of doing that. Donald Trump has proven he is not. The Des Moines Register editorial board endorses Biden for the presidency of the United States.

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