Home United States USA — Science Hoyer says Trump Georgia call likely criminal, wants 'serious' investigation

Hoyer says Trump Georgia call likely criminal, wants 'serious' investigation


President Trump’s pressure campaign on Georgia election officials to flip the state’s voting results in his favor was likely criminal, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md) …
President Trump’s pressure campaign on Georgia election officials to flip the state’s voting results in his favor was likely criminal, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md) said on Tuesday, suggesting that both Congress and law enforcement agencies investigate the matter. « I do believe [it] may well be a violation of criminal law, both from a state and a federal perspective, » Hoyer told reporters on a phone call. « This president, » he added, « is out of control. » Separately, Hoyer is also calling for Congress to reprimand Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), a staunch Trump ally who has claimed, without evidence, that Democrats stole the election and recently told supporters of the president that, if the courts refuse to overturn the results, they « gotta go [to] the streets and be as violent as Antifa. » « That a member of Congress would suggest that people ought to go to the streets and be as violent as some other group is absolutely astounding, extraordinarily disappointing, and worthy of sanction by the Congress of the United States, » Hoyer said. The comments came a day before Congress is set to assemble for a rare joint session of the House and Senate for a ritual that’s rarer still: a challenge to the results of the Electoral College, to be backed by scores of Trump’s closest Republican supporters.

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