Home United States USA — Music What's Next for R. Kelly: Embattled R&B Star Found Guilty of Racketeering

What's Next for R. Kelly: Embattled R&B Star Found Guilty of Racketeering


A New York jury convicted the R&B singer of racketeering charges on Monday, but he still faces additional charges in Illinois and Minnesota.
R&B singer R. Kelly could face life in prison following his Monday conviction on racketeering charges. It will be months before Kelly’s sentence is decided, with a sentencing hearing scheduled for May 4 of next year. In the meantime, Kelly is facing additional charges in two other states, though trial dates for those charges have yet to be scheduled. A New York jury shared their decision to convict the 54-year-old singer during their second day of deliberations following a six-week trial. Kelly was also convicted on eight counts of Mann Act violations. « R. Kelly has been convicted of racketeering by a federal jury in Brooklyn, » The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York (USAO-EDNY) said in a Monday afternoon tweet. A second tweet added, « R. Kelly found guilty on ALL COUNTS. » Jacquelyn M. Kasulis, the Acting U.S. Attorney for the EDNY, said « justice was finally served » in a USAO-EDNY news release issued following the verdict. « Today’s guilty verdict forever brands R. Kelly as a predator, who used his fame and fortune to prey on the young, the vulnerable, and the voiceless for his own sexual gratification, » Kasulis said.

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