Home United States USA — Political Senate Votes Down Republican Amendment to Block Biden Vaccine Mandate

Senate Votes Down Republican Amendment to Block Biden Vaccine Mandate


The Senate on Thursday defeated a Republican amendment that attempted to block President Joe Biden’s announced mandate for private businesses with 100 or more workers.

The Senate on Thursday defeated a Republican amendment that attempted to block President Joe Biden’s announced mandate for private businesses with 100 or more workers. Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) introduced the amendment ( pdf) to a government funding measure, blocking the usage of federal money for COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Republicans and Democrats split 50-50 on the vote, falling short of the 60 votes required to pass the amendment. “My wife and I got the vaccine. My parents got the vaccine and they’re waiting to get their booster. But whether to receive it is a personal choice between individuals and their doctor, not mandated via unconstitutional executive actions that the administration recently acknowledged they didn’t have authority to put in place,” Marshall said in support of his amendment. But Marshall argued that the Biden administration’s mandates—details of which have yet to be disclosed—are tantamount to federal overreach and would significantly weaken the economy by fining private businesses.

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