Home United States USA — Criminal Pence says he’d ‘consider’ testifying before Capitol riot committee

Pence says he’d ‘consider’ testifying before Capitol riot committee


Former Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday he’d “consider” testifying before the Democrat-led House select committee investigating last year’s Capitol riot.
“If there was an invitation to participate, I would consider it,” Pence said during an event at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH.
“I would have to reflect on the unique role that I was serving in as vice president,” the former Indiana governor added. “It’d be unprecedented in history for a vice president to be summoned to testify on Capitol Hill.”
The committee generally videotapes interviews with subjects and then airs snippets of the most damning parts at public hearings.
“I don’t want to prejudge. If there’s ever any formal invitation rendered to us, we’d give it due consideration,” Pence emphasized Wednesday. “But my first obligation is to continue to uphold my oath [and] continue to uphold the framework of government enshrined in the Constitution.”
The former vice president’s failure to rule out testifying is likely to outrage pro-Donald Trump Republicans who have condemned the committee’s process as a “show trial” of the 45th president.

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