Home United States USA — China China Pursuing ‘Strategic Military’ Interests in the Arctic: Pompeo

China Pursuing ‘Strategic Military’ Interests in the Arctic: Pompeo


China’s ruling communist regime seeks to expand into the Arctic region to exploit natural resources, secure trade routes, and garner a military advantage against the United States, according to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its leader, Xi Jinping, are putting China on a path toward confrontation with the United States by pursuing strategic objectives in the region, Pompeo said in an interview with the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank where Pompeo is a distinguished fellow.
“Xi Jinping has made very clear that he wants to rule forever and that his rule should be over everything,” Pompeo said. “I think we should take that seriously.”
“Make no mistake about it, the CCP has deep, strategic military intentions in the Arctic.”
Pompeo said that the CCP is encroaching on the Arctic region as part of a wider effort to secure military and economic security against the West. That effort goes back a number of years but reached new highs in 2017 when the CCP attempted to purchase a decommissioned naval base in Greenland.

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