Home United States USA — China China Claims It Has Passed ‘Peak’ Coronavirus Cases

China Claims It Has Passed ‘Peak’ Coronavirus Cases


Chinese officials on Tuesday confidently assured a nervous global audience that the “peak” of the massive omicron outbreak has passed. 
China has consistently lied about its number of cases and fatalities throughout the pandemic, and especially during the current outbreak, so there is little reason to believe this assertion – and if it is true, that was quite a “peak,” a veritable Mount Everest of infections, as one regional official quoted by the state-run Global Times admitted:
Henan provincial government revealed during a press briefing on Monday that the COVID-19 infection rate in the province was about 89 percent overall, 89.1 percent in urban areas and 88.9 percent in rural areas, as of January 6. 
Henan has passed the epidemic peak and operated in an orderly manner, while the number of new cases is expected to remain at a low level at the end of this month, local officials said. Health officials in Chongqing said the number of people receiving treatment at fever clinics fell sharply after December 20, with the municipality passing its peak between December 12 and December 23, 2022. 
The number of daily infections in Sichuan Province is also declining with more than 80 percent of residents having been infected.
According to the Global Times, Chinese citizens are happily returning to “work and production” now that the worst is supposedly behind them. Top officials in Beijing decided to give that bubbly enthusiasm a little helping hand by mandating “human resource departments to resume holding on-site job fairs from Monday.

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