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Web. com's new website design service can build you a functioning site in just a few days


SMBs, entrepreneurs, and creators no longer need to build sites for themselves.
Popular domain registrar (opens in new tab) and web hosting (opens in new tab) company Web.com has launched a new professional quickstart website service that is says is designed to help entrepreneurs launch their website quicker. 
Designed for those needing a hand building a website, the quickstart service leverages Web.com’s in-house team to design, build, and launch a business-ready site in just a few days, the company claims.
Essentially, Web.com (opens in new tab) handles the building aspect of the site, then hands over the finished product to the customer to then maintain and update their site as they see fit.
Using the quickstart website service, Web.com says its customers experience the benefits of launching their own site quickly with the support of website builder (opens in new tab)  professionals.

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