Home United States USA — China Joe Biden’s China problem just got a whole lot worse

Joe Biden’s China problem just got a whole lot worse


Balloongate is grabbing headlines again, for all the wrong reasons. CNN is reporting that “US intelligence officials are assessing the possibility that the suspected Chinese spy balloon was not deliberately maneuvered into the continental US by the Chinese government and are examining whether it was diverted off course by strong winds.”
This will not go down well. Now we are expected to believe that perhaps Beijing didn’t actually mean to send the huge spy craft hovering for several days over our sensitive military installations, but somehow it ended up there by accident?
If this is an effort by the Biden White House to divert attention from its embarrassing handling of China’s recent incursion into our air space, they should think again. Or – even worse – if this is meant to curry favor with Xi Jinping by burying China’s misbehavior, the public will be outraged.
Such an attempt to spin recent events would further inflame those who are already concerned about President Biden’s entanglements with China, and who suspect the president is compromised by his family’s business activities in that country.  
Unhappily, there is plenty to support those suspicions. As the reported a year ago, “Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate [CEFC] and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle…”
That figure includes a “$1 million retainer [to Hunter Biden], issued as part of an agreement to represent Patrick Ho, a CEFC official who would later be charged in the United States in connection with a multimillion-dollar scheme to bribe leaders from Chad and Uganda.” The Post says it found no evidence that Joe Biden participated in these unsavory transactions, but others, including Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, have alleged that the president was involved.
Such reports ring alarm bells. Some are convinced that Beijing, known for spying on visitors and its own citizens, may have something on Joe Biden that would disprove his assertion that he knew nothing about his son’s business affairs.

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