Home United States USA — Art U.S. Defense Leaders Paint Upbeat Picture on Ukraine After Pessimistic Pentagon Leaks

U.S. Defense Leaders Paint Upbeat Picture on Ukraine After Pessimistic Pentagon Leaks


Pentagon leaders at a meeting on Friday with Western allies supporting Ukraine did not address pessimistic assessments contained in leaked Pentagon documents about the war effort and instead tried to paint an upbeat picture of the coming counteroffensive.
They played down the impact of the leaks, which cast doubt on the Ukrainian military’s ability to make gains in the planned upcoming counteroffensive. According to one leaked U.S. intelligence assessment obtained by the , Ukraine’s challenges in massing troops, ammunition, and equipment could cause its military to fall “well short” of Kyiv’s original goals for retaking Russian-occupied areas.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin dismissed the impact of the leaks at the beginning of a press briefing on Friday after meeting with members of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, a U.S.-led coalition of nations providing support to Ukraine:
Let me say just a few words about the reports of unauthorized disclosure of sensitive and classified U.S. material.  I take this matter extremely seriously, and we will continue to work closely and — with our deeply-valued allies and partners in a spirit of abiding respect and friendship.  As I have discussed this issue with our allies and partners, I’ve been struck by their solidarity and their commitment to reject efforts to divide us, so nothing will fracture our unity or reduce our determination.
Related: Milley: It’s ‘Extraordinarily Difficult’ for Ukraine to Achieve Military Objective This Year
And Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen.

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