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YouTube touts AI principles to protect music creation


Google’s video-streaming platform unveils key guidelines in its approach to artificial intelligence, which it says are necessary to safeguard the music community.
YouTube has established broad principles to guide its approach to artificial intelligence (AI), with the aims of embracing AI responsibly and safeguarding the music industry. 
The Google-owned video-streaming site said Monday its « first-ever set of AI music principles » would help facilitate creativity while protecting artists on its platform. These principles include the recognition that « AI is here » and should be embraced responsibly by the company alongside its music partners. 
« Advancements in generative AI are no longer a future promise, » YouTube CEO Neal Mohan said in a blog post. « Millions of people already embrace it in their day-to-day lives, from finding useful information to increasing creativity and productivity. YouTube creators in particular have embraced AI to streamline and boost their creative processes. »
So far this year, videos related to AI tools on the platform have clocked more than 1.7 billion views. 
With AI driving a new era of creative expression, Mohan said it then was necessary to include « appropriate protections » for artists. He noted that YouTube had rolled out various tools in previous years, including its rights management technology Content ID, which helps ensure copyright holders are paid for the use of their content.

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