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Starfield All That Money Can Buy Walkthrough


« All That Money Can Buy » follows you and Walter making a deal to obtain yet another mysterious artifact in Starfield.
To unlock “All That Money Can Buy” in Starfield, you must complete the previous campaign mission called Into the Unknown. Speak with Walter Stroud in the main Constellation headquarters to start the mission.
You can find your old acquaintance Walter Stroud back at The Lodge in New Atlantis on Planet Jemison in Alpha Centauri Star System, the same place where you first met the Constellation members.
He shares that he is planning a little gathering to catch the attention of a seller claiming to have the Artifact. The seller is a freelance operative, meaning he will be cautious, and with your help with negotiations, things can settle down smoothly.
He even goes as far as to pay for the drinks on the way there, which is uncharacteristically generous of Walter.Visit the Stroud-Eklund Corporate HQ
After accepting his offer, return to your ship and make the grav jump to Neon City on Alpha Volii in the Volii Star System.
Walter will be waiting for you on your right after you land. Speak with him to learn more about your next step in completing All That Money Can Buy in Starfield.
There are certain authorizations you need to withdraw the money for the purchase, so you need to stop by the Stroud-Eklund office.
To get there, take the elevator in front of the city gate up to Spaceport Terminal, head right to the very end, and enter the elevator next to the Astral Lounge stairs.
You may remember visiting the area during many faction missions like Sowing Discord, One Step Ahead, and Absolute Power to name a few.
Take the elevator up to the Stroud-Eklund Corporate HQ floor and wait for Walter to talk to Oscar Trinidad, the receptionist, to get you inside.
You will meet Issa Eklund inside, Walter’s business partner, who will be helping with the authorizations and wants some time with her husband to discuss the details of the upcoming meeting.
Walter directs you to his broker, James Newill, to locate the seller in Starfield All That Money Can Buy. He provides you with some operational funds to navigate through Astral Lounge.Ask the Astral Lounge bartender about security
Head down to the Lobby using the elevator and take the stairs on your right to enter the Astral Lounge. Go to the back, behind the dancers, to talk to Boone Morgan at the bar, who will initially try to get you to take some Aurora for a transcendent experience, as he likes to call it.
Ignore the drugs and ask him about the security. He shares that the security is good here, but if you are looking for a bit more, then the Astral Lounge VIP Package will fit the bill. The premium package, however, will cost you a pretty penny.
You can either pay Boone 4000 Credits to get the package or persuade him to lower the price. If you have Credits to spare, you can get it over with, but we suggest bargaining for a discount since the check is pretty easy to complete.Persuade Boone (recommended)
We highly recommend persuading Boone to give you a discount if you are looking to complete All That Money Can Buy in Starfield with only the 1,000 Credits that Walter gave you at the start.
If you choose to persuade Boone, you must pass a 4-bar persuasion check. Start by selecting the dialogue with the [Persuade] prompt, and select all the green options to complete the check. He will lower the price to 1,000 Credits.Check the door controls
After becoming a VIP member of the Astral Lounge, it is time to secure the area for the upcoming meeting with the Artifact seller.
From the bar, take the VIP elevator on your right and take a right after heading up to the VIP Balcony. Past the security guard, take a left from the end of the hallway, and the meeting room will be the first one on your left.
After making sure the security is not around, unlock the computer at the door using Digipick and override the Door Control files.Investigate the seller
After securing the meeting location, it is time to know more about the seller in the All That Money Can Buy mission in Starfield.
Exit the Astral Lounge building and head straight past the Spaceport Terminal, next to the Freestar Rangers’ office, you will find Newill’s Goods on your left.
Talk to James Newill inside and ask about the meeting he set up with Walter Stroud recently. You must either pay him 2500 Credits or persuade him to reveal the details.Persuade James Newill (recommended)
Similar to Boone, persuading James Newill will help you save the credits Walter gave you at the start of the mission. In this case, successfully persuading James will convince him to hand over the information for free.
You will have to pass a 4-bar persuasion here. Start by telling James that you knew that the seller came through him which is wrong but will open the dialogue you need to pass the check.
Go with the +2 green option and then complete the check with the +4 orange dialogue to pass the persuasion checks. Search the seller’s sleepcrate
After getting James on board using your preferred method, he will tell you he had someone to track the seller back to his place at Sleepcrate One.
To find the seller’s place in the All That Money Can Buy quest in Starfield, leave James’s shop, cross the street, and enter Ebbside next to the Trade Authority Outpost.
Go up the stairs, take a right at the end of the street, enter the alleyway on your right, and the seller’s place will be the corner door of the green building.  
Unlock the door using Digipick and access the computer in the back to read through the seller’s emails. You will find that someone threatened the seller, Musgrove. They told him to relocate the Artifact quickly as he was being watched. You now need to head back and speak with Walter Stroud. This will help you further advance in All That Money Can Buy in Starfield.Locate the seller in Starfield
Report the situation back to Walter at Stroud-Ekland Corporate HQ and go down to Astral Lounge to start the meeting.

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