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'The Golden Bachelor' plans TV wedding with 2nd love of his life after brutal breakup with runner-up


After a long wait, we finally got to see the conclusion to Gerry’s time as « The Golden Bachelor. »
After a long wait, we finally got to see the conclusion to Gerry’s time as « The Golden Bachelor. » But, for him and the woman he chose, it’s really just the beginning of their golden years together.
Jesse Palmer led the live show but didn’t waste much time in getting us back to Gerry’s journey in Costa Rica with Leslie and Theresa. Gerry and his daughters and granddaughters chatted for a bit about his remaining two women. He then ran off to get Theresa. She arrived with flowers and she was a little nervous because she said she hadn’t met someone’s family like this in 52 years! Interestingly enough, they both have a daughter named Jenny. Theresa told his daughters about how she and Gerry had their first kiss on her birthday and even his « moves. » It didn’t seem to be TMI for them, they thought it was hilarious. As Theresa told them about losing her husband and how similar it was to what their father went to, it brought tears to all of their eyes. His daughters loved her! They asked him if he « knocked the boots » and he said, « We’re not talking about that! » And they said, « Ooh! »
Before they parted. Gerry said to Theresa, « I just want to remind you that I love you. » She was overjoyed. His family seems all in on Theresa! But, as we know, there’s still another woman for them to consider.
Gerry met up with Theresa in her room and she lit some candles and was standing there waiting for him. She was dressed up all beautifully and he was in a hoodie, classic guy. Some things don’t change with age, haha! They were laughing that the orange juice they had earlier had vodka in it and it made them feel a little loopy. She kissed him hello and then Gerry was wearing lipstick this whole segment, it was pretty funny. Theresa told him a story about how the first thing she had to drink was a screwdriver and she was going to be sick and Billy told her to go to bed because if her parents found out they would never let her see him again. Gerry said that he loves hearing her stories about him because it helps him know her better. It was very sweet. Then, Theresa told him that she understood if he picked someone else and she wanted him to be happy but she would be devastated. But she only wants him to pick her if he really, really wants her. Gerry said it would either be 1,000% or nothing. They had a serious talk, but said their « I love yous, » and then that was it.
Leslie also showed up looking beautiful and carrying a similar bouquet to Theresa’s. She hugged his family and told them that Gerry gets her humor and she loves that about him. She told them that it was breath of fresh air on their overnight date when he finally swore because that meant she could too. They thought her stories were really funny.
Leslie spoke with his granddaughters and they loved how much she loved their grandpa. They had their heart set on Theresa and now they don’t know who they like better. She told his daughters that she wanted to travel and see the world with Gerry. Leslie said that she’s never had a true love and she found it scary to think of forever, but that it’s something she really wants. « He is the man of my dreams, » she told them. His daughters like how free-spirited she is, but they do question whether or not she is ready for marriage. But at the end of the day, they told their father they really liked both of them and they don’t envy him having to make this decision.
As they sat on the bench, he didn’t say I love you to Leslie. He just said, « OK think you are ready to go? » And it seemed like he couldn’t get rid of her fast enough! What!? This wasn’t the same level of goodbye that he just gave Theresa. They have their last date tonight and Leslie is hoping she can figure out what’s going on, because she said she feels something is off with Gerry.
They sat down and drank some red wine together. He told her that he is feeling the stress and pressure of the situation and he’s cognizant that time is running out. Leslie said she understood. « I didn’t mean to bring the low energy and have you feel like things weren’t right, » Gerry said. He did a restart and said, « Here’s to you, and here’s to me, and here’s to us. » She then pulled out a gift for him. Inside it was a book of their memories together. There were a lot of sensitive moments and then a kiss against a wall and Gerry said, « That was a hot moment! » They did some kissing and Gerry said he really appreciated everything.

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