Home United States USA — China Bye, Bye Boeing: Here Comes China’s Comac

Bye, Bye Boeing: Here Comes China’s Comac


It looks like the biennial Singapore Air Show but it sounds like another nail being driven into Boeing’s coffin. 
Communist China’s state-owned planemaker, Comac, debuted its C919 commercial airliner in Singapore on Wednesday, « upstaging industry leaders Airbus and Boeing, » according to Reuters.
If you’re looking for a much less biased source, US-based Aviation Week came away similarly impressed.
On this week’s Check Six podcast, Aviation Week executive editor Jens Flottau said the C919 (he got to see it inside and out) « felt like a 21st Century airliner — very impressive. » Editor-in-chief Joe Anselmo said the air show « was almost flipped this time, » with Comac’s presence for the first time far outshining both Boeing and Airbus. 
The Singapore Air Show was the C919’s first appearance outside of China — and various foreign airlines showed interest even though the plane has yet to be certified outside of China.
Comac is dependent on foreign suppliers for certain critical components, including the engines, but the company is investing billions domestically to change that. Ewen McDonald, from Rolls-Royce’s aircraft engine division, told Reuters that Comac is further behind on engines but thinks « they’re further advanced as far as airframes.

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