Home United States USA — Financial Report: House Democrats May Not Certify 2024 Election if Trump Wins

Report: House Democrats May Not Certify 2024 Election if Trump Wins


It should come as no surprise that after years of claiming that refusing to certify an election was an attack on democracy and tantamount to treason, they are now considering doing just that in the event Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election.
As you know, left-wing groups waged a multi-state battle to remove Trump from primary ballots, using Section Three of the 14th Amendment as a pretext. Since Trump has never been tried or convicted of sedition or participating in an insurrection, these efforts should never have succeeded. While most states rejected those efforts, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump was ineligible under the 14th Amendment. Soon after, Maine’s Secretary of State also unilaterally declared Trump guilty without a trial, setting the stage for the U.S. Supreme Court to step in and settle the issue.
The Supreme Court hasn’t yet ruled on whether Colorado can exclude President Trump from its ballot, but it was widely agreed after the oral arguments earlier this month that it is extremely likely they won’t. However, they could punt the issue of eligibility to Congress.
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In the event that Democrats win the House majority in November — which many believe is likely — a constitutional crisis could occur, as a new Democrat majority may refuse to certify the results, according to a new story from The Atlantic.

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