Home United States USA — Events Anti-Israel Protesters Storm Senate Cafeteria

Anti-Israel Protesters Storm Senate Cafeteria


Hey, does this qualify as an insurrection?
Today in the Dirksen Senate Office building, approximately 50 people were arrested for protesting against Israel and the United States’ continued support of it (despite Joe Biden’s handlers’ efforts to the contrary).
Gathering in the cafeteria, they were rattling off how « [the] Senate can’t eat until Gaza eats » and other things about children starving in the area. One person had a shirt that said, « Biden’s legacy = Genocide. »
When security told them to leave or be arrested, one of them said, « This is the house of the people! »
Technically that’s the House of Representatives, but they aren’t completely wrong since senators are directly elected too since the 17th Amendment was ratified. But that’s not the point.
Besides, as I mentioned above, the Biden Administration hasn’t exactly been very helpful to Israel in its war to finally snuff out Hamas for good in retaliation for October 7.
As my friend Matt Margolis detailed, Biden’s handlers knew that October 7 could happen, denied Iran’s bankrolling and involvement in the attack, and have pretty much sought to hamstring Israel ever since, up to and including a requirement that products made in the West Bank be labeled as from there, insinuating that they are from occupied territory.

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