Home United States USA — software You may be kicking yourself for deleting Destiny guns that are all...

You may be kicking yourself for deleting Destiny guns that are all of a sudden viable again, but one of the game's biggest YouTubers has been Marie Kondo-ing his friends' arsenals on camera for years


Datto has released a tongue in cheek « apology » video in the cancelled YouTube guy house style.
Bungie’s announcement that it was undoing the 2020 mass weapon sunset that rendered a huge chunk of Destiny’s arsenal obsolete was a huge surprise for everyone⁠—including Bungie, to be honest. The decision seems to have been borne of engine limitation necessity rather than any long-term balance plan for the game.
Few Destiny players were tugging at their collars harder than longtime YouTuber Datto though⁠—the video maker had a popular series where’d show some tough love to fellow content creators and streamers, clearing out their limited vault space of weapons we had every reason to believe would never be relevant again.

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