What, all of them?
Microsoft’s Recall feature was, I think it’s fair to say, not entirely well received. The idea that Windows 11 would take screenshots of your desktop regularly to provide you with a searchable history might have seemed useful to some, but privacy and security concerns meant Microsoft had to backtrack pretty quickly.
Well, how about Windows AI taking a looksie at your local media files? Twitter user @XenoPanther has been digging around in the latest Windows Insider Preview Build and has apparently found reference to something called « intelligent media search » (via TweakTown). According to XenoPanther, the feature is planned to allow search by « spoken words in your indexed video or audio files ».
« By clicking ‘I agree’, you consent to scanning the media files on your device. If needed, the required model will be downloaded and installed in the background.
« Once the AI model is set up, it needs to transcribe your media files and index them before enabling content-based search.
United States
USA — software Microsoft might be planning to let AI loose on your local video...