Home United States USA — mix How the FBI could recover suspected Trump gunman's 'obliterated' rifle serial number

How the FBI could recover suspected Trump gunman's 'obliterated' rifle serial number


Firearms manufactured in or imported to the U.S. are required by law to have a conspicuously engraved, cast or stamped serial number.
As the investigation into Sunday’s apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump continues, the FBI is turning its attention to the obliterated serial number of the recovered assault-style weapon, using highly specialized techniques to uncover what’s been altered on the surface of the rifle.
Investigators are working to understand how suspected gunman Ryan Wesley Routh, who, according to court records, has a felony criminal history, allegedly obtained the semi-automatic SKS rifle.
In the tree-lined, chain link fenced area surrounding the Trump International Golf Club where the suspect was spotted by Secret Service personnel Sunday, agents found a digital camera, two bags, including a backpack and a loaded SKS-style 7.62×39 caliber rifle with a scope, according to a criminal complaint released Monday.
The serial number on the rifle « was obliterated and unreadable to the naked eye », the complaint states.
Analysis into firearms includes conducting an urgent firearms trace. But to begin a gun trace, investigators need a serial number, and in this case, that key information was allegedly obliterated.
However, agents have several forensic techniques they can employ to restore obliterated serial numbers from a firearm.

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