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5 ways to balance self-promotion with the demands of the business


Reaching the top of the IT profession means treading a careful line between showing off and delivering results. Here’s how to do it.
While it’s never been a better time to be a successful IT professional in terms of professional gains, recognizing opportunities for career advancement is just the starting point.
IT professionals who want to land the top jobs will have to appeal to the senior executives of their respective organizations in new and creative ways. Harvard Business Review says savvy self-promotion is a delicate art: « You need people to notice your growth and accomplishments, but no one likes a braggart. »
But how do you strike the right balance? Five business leaders share their tips for effective self-promotion.
Anjali Shaikh, managing director and CIO Program Experience director at Deloitte Consulting LLP, said the growing prominence of technology’s role within the enterprise means IT leaders are more frequently tasked with telling the story of how the organization is leveraging technology, both within the business and in external forums.
« This trend means that your personal brand can be equally important as the company’s brand and dynamic and impactful CIOs are often leveraged as magnets to attract talent and highlight the organization’s technological successes », she said.
« They should ensure their brand is a positive beacon for tech talent while also serving as a testament to their organization’s commitment to tech-driven customer service and product development », she said.
« Harmonizing personal brand with the company’s is about being strategic when leveraging both personal credibility and the company’s reputation in the technology sphere. »
JP Avelange, CIO for technology specialist Expereo, said technology’s elevated position in business transformation today means IT executives must have a high profile.
« In their ‘new’ role, self-promotion is the key to ensuring CIOs’ contributions are recognized, and they’re seen as business partners », he said.

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