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10 Strongest Female Characters In Ubisoft Games


Ubisoft is a historic developer with a ton of franchises to their name, some of which feature a few of gaming’s strongest female characters.
There are many barometers by which strength can be measured. The power to dispense with foes in hand-to-hand combat and the mental resiliency required to endure adversity both define a character as strong. When it comes to video games, that runs the gamut anywhere from Bayonetta blasting demons to Senua overcoming her own.
Ubisoft has a storied history as a developer, showcasing more than a few powerful female characters over the years. For clarity, these characters don’t need to be the central character or a part of a Ubisoft franchise, they just have to have exhibited great strength in a game published by Ubisoft. From original creations to licensed tie-ins of popular heroines, these are the strongest female characters to appear in Ubisoft games.10 Lara Croft
Lara Croft is better associated with Square Enix or Eidos Interactive, but in between her significant history was a Game Boy Advance game developed and published by Ubisoft, so she just squeezes in. It is, after all, impossible to ignore one of the foremost female gaming icons when talking about strong female characters.
A trailblazer for female protagonists to come, Lara is both a capable combatant and a brilliant deductive mind. Both those things come in handy more often than one might expect for an archaeologist, as the intrepid explorer finds herself consistently coming face-to-face with prehistoric and supernatural monsters.9 Phoenix
Another low-hanging fruit perhaps, but Jean Grey’s Phoenix is not only one of the most powerful X-Men, but she is one of the most powerful heroes/villains in the entire Marvel canon. Jean boasts a combination of cosmic and psionic powers that is nigh unstoppable as a fighting force.
The game in question is a rather forgettable fighting game that was a part of the motion controls bubble of the early 2010s called Marvel’s Avengers: Battle for Earth, making use of the Wii U remotes and the Xbox 360’s ill-fated Kinect.8 Kay Vess
Kay epitomizes grit and determination, with each day proving a constant struggle to survive thanks to her harsh upbringing on Cantonica. Having to get by on her guile and her sleight of hand, Kay navigates some of the worst low-lives in the Star Wars galaxy on a daily basis.
She’s also a dab hand with a blaster, more than capable of handling herself in a shoot-out.

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