Home GRASP/China The sneaky ways countries cheat the U. S. on trade

The sneaky ways countries cheat the U. S. on trade


NewsHubRoss, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for commerce secretary , warned during his confirmation hearing this week that the new administration will punish trade cheaters.
The billionaire investor called out China and others for « malicious » trading tactics like excessive tariffs and the dumping of excess aluminum and steel.
But Ross also pointed out that were were less-obvious ways that he believes the U. S. is getting abused by some of its trading partners.
« These non-tariff trade barriers can be insidious and, unfortunately, quite effective. We need to deal with some of these, » Ross told the U. S. Senate on Wednesday.
Ross said he’s come across some of these sneaky tactics during his 50-year career as an investor in the distressed steel, automotive and textile industries.
« I’ve been a personal victim of it, » Ross said.
While experts point to intellectual property theft and tinkering with their currencies as ways that countries give themselves the upper hand, here are the trading obstacles that anger Ross the most — and areas the Trump administration may decide to target:
Related: Ross calls China the ‘most protectionist country’
Mad cow hysteria : Ross believes concerns about mad cow disease in U. S. meat have been exaggerated by other countries, which have curtailed imports of U.

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