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Soldier shoots armed attacker at Louvre museum in Paris


NewsHubLast Updated Feb 3, 2017 5:30 AM EST
A French soldier shot a man who attempted on Friday to enter the Louvre, Paris’ landmark art museum, carrying at least one suitcase or backpack and wielding a machete.
CBS Radio News correspondent Elaine Cobbe says, according to a local officials, the assailant was shot and wounded after pulling a machete on the soldier.
Paris Police chief Michel Cadot confirmed the attacker had been taken into custody after being shot and seriously wounded. The solider who stopped him was slightly wounded.
The soldier fired a total of five shots, according to Cadot, and Luc Poignant, the head of a French police union told France Info radio that the suspect had gunshot injuries to his abdomen and leg.
Bomb technicians were called to the scene to investigate the bag the man was carrying, but an Interior Ministry spokesperson at the scene said no explosives were found. The spokesman said police were establishing a security perimeter around the museum, and that about 250 museum guests were being evacuated.
Rescue workers vans park carry outside the Louvre museum in Paris, Feb. 3, 2017.
According to Cadot, remarks made by the suspect led security forces to believe he wanted to carry out a terrorist attack. The assailant lunged at the soldier before he was shot, Cadot said.
French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said later Friday that the incident was “terrorist in nature.”
A second individual was taken into custody following the attack, but Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet said it would be up to prosecutors to determine his involvement, if there was any.
A group of U. S. college students were among those caught up in the security lockdown during the incident. Cassandra Bolt, from the University of Georgia, told CBS News she and her friends were among dozens who had been corralled into a lower floor until police gave them the all-clear to leave.
Visitors to the Louvre museum in Paris huddle in a large room in the basement, where they were taken for their safety during an apparent terror attack by a man wielding a machete who lunged at a soldier outside the museum, Feb. 3, 2017.
Taylor Walstrum, one of the American students, told CBS News they were in the room with the iconic Mona Lisa painting when there was a loud announcement followed by “lots of frantic movement” by museum staff, who rushed everyone down into a basement room.
“A lady told us to evacuate because there was a terrorist attempt,” Bolt told CBS News. “I was really nervous. They led us downstairs and we waited there for like two hours. I heard no gunshots but I heard a lot of police sirens.”
Cobbe says the soldier involved in the incident was part of increased security measures taken at the Carrousel du Louvre, an underground shopping area around the museum, put in place after Paris terror attacks in 2015 .
The Louvre District is in the heart of Paris, and draws millions of tourists from around the world every year.

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