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Former State Of The Union Speechwriter Says Trump’s Speech Was One Of The Best Ever


Former state of the union speechwriter Marc Thiessen said President Donald Trump’s speech to Congress Tuesday evening was one of the best ever. Thiessen, a political commentator and former speechwr
Former state of the union speechwriter Marc Thiessen said President Donald Trump’s speech to Congress Tuesday evening was one of the best ever.
Thiessen, a political commentator and former speechwriter for former President George W. Bush, said Tuesday that Trump’s speech before a joint session in Congress ranked in the top addresses and constituted a pivot to his more presidential side.
Thiessen, who provided commentary on Twitter throughout the entirety of the speech, did acknowledge that because the speech was Trump’s first since becoming president, it technically did not count as a state of the union address, though it was worth slotting in the same category.
Other commentators shared Thiessen’s sentiment that Trump showed his more presidential side Tuesday.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that “Donald Trump did indeed become presidential tonight.”
CNN commentator Van Jones referred to one particular part of Trump’s speech , in which he gave a tribute to the Navy SEAL William Ryan Owens, who recently died in a Yemen raid. Jones said it was “one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics.”
For Jones, that moment is when he “became president of the United States.”
A CNN poll found that 70 percent of people who watched the speech said that Trump increased their optimism .
According to Politico, Stephen Miller, key policy adviser to Trump, was the lead writer for the speech , followed by White House strategist Stephen Bannon, chief of staff Reince Priebus and Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law.
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