Home GRASP/Korea UN panel says North Korea uses new ways to flout sanctions

UN panel says North Korea uses new ways to flout sanctions


UNITED NATIONS (AP) — North Korea is flouting United Nations sanctions by trading in prohibited weapons and other goods and using evasion techniques « that are increasing in scale, scope and sophistication, » U. N. experts say in a new report.
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — North Korea is flouting United Nations sanctions by trading in prohibited weapons and other goods and using evasion techniques « that are increasing in scale, scope and sophistication, » U. N. experts say in a new report.
The panel of experts monitoring sanctions against Pyongyang said that despite strengthened financial sanctions adopted in 2016 the country is still accessing formal banking channels « by using greater ingenuity.  »
« Their ability to conceal financial activity by using foreign nationals and entities allows them to continue to transact through top global financial centers, » the experts said in the report to the Security Council obtained Tuesday by the Associated Press.
North Korea is also continuing to export banned minerals to earn needed revenue despite new sanctions adopted last year, they said. And it has adapted to a list of vessels prevented from entering foreign ports through various tactics, « including identity fraud.  »
The panel criticized the international community for failing to match its support for tougher sanctions against North Korea in two resolutions adopted last year with the « political will » and resources to ensure their implementation. The experts said their investigations show that « implementation remains insufficient and highly inconsistent.  »
They urged the U. N.’s 193 member states to reaffirm their commitment to « rigorous enforcement » of the sanctions. Only 76 have submitted reports on what they are doing to implement the March 2016 sanctions resolution.
The 105-page report details North Korea’s continuing violations of U.

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