Home GRASP/Korea Kim Jong Nam Killing: Malaysia Condemns Use of Chemical Weapon

Kim Jong Nam Killing: Malaysia Condemns Use of Chemical Weapon


VX nerve agent is banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention, a treaty to which North Korea is not a signatory.
Malaysia is « greatly concerned » by the use of a prohibited chemical weapon in the murder of Kim Jong Un’s half-brother at a busy international airport.
Kim Jong Nam, the estranged sibling of North Korea’s dictator, was killed with VX nerve agent in Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 13, according to Malaysian authorities.
VX is banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention , a treaty to which North Korea is not a signatory.
« The ministry strongly condemns the use of such a chemical weapon by anyone, anywhere and under any circumstances, » the country’s foreign ministry said in a statement issued Friday. « Its use at a public place could have endangered the general public.  »
The statement added that Malaysia has been working with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in its investigation of the killing.
Malaysia also pledged to work with other international organizations to bring the perpetrators of the crime to justice.
That could ultimately include the United Nations Security Council, which could impose sanctions on Pyongyang if compelling evidence emerges that North Korean agents used chemical weapons.

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