Home GRASP/Korea N. Korea fires unidentified projectile from near missile base: S. Korea

N. Korea fires unidentified projectile from near missile base: S. Korea


North Korea fired an unidentified projectile from its Tongchang-ri region.
North Korea fired an unidentified projectile from its Tongchang-ri region, where a missile base is located, South Korea ‘s military said on Monday, a possible retaliation by the reclusive state to joint U. S.-South Korean drills that began last week.
The projectile landed in the sea off North Korea’s east coast, the military added.
Tongchang-ri is near the North’s border with China, where the isolated state fired a long-range rocket last year that put an object into orbit. The launch was condemned by the United Nations for violating resolutions that ban the use of missile technology.

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