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Letter Bomb Explodes In Paris International Monetary Fund Office


A letter bomb sent to the International Monetary Fund office in Paris Thursday injured one person, according to French police. The homemade bomb was the equivalent of a « big firecracker, » according
A letter bomb sent to the International Monetary Fund office in Paris Thursday injured one person, according to French police.
The homemade bomb was the equivalent of a “big firecracker,” according to Paris police Chief Michel Cadot. It was sent through standard mail, and addressed to an unnamed senior IMF official. The secretary who opened the letter suffered injures to the face and eardrum.
“We are again confronted with an attack, there is no other word for it when you are confronted with a package bomb,” French President Francois Hollande told reporters Thursday.
Hollande did not allude to whether or not the attack was a terrorist incident, or who may be responsible.
IMF chief Christine Lagarde condemned the attack, but said her organization will remain undeterred.
“I condemn this cowardly act of violence and reaffirm the IMF’s resolve to continue our work in line with our mandate,” she said.
While the sender of the letter is unknown, the incident comes one day after Greek anarchist group Conspiracy Cells of Fire claimed responsibility for a dud letter bomb to the German Finance Ministry. It is unclear if the two incidents are related.
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