Home GRASP/Korea Former US envoy: No good military options against North Korea

Former US envoy: No good military options against North Korea


« I wouldn’t want to be Donald Trump in 2020 and have to say… we couldn’t do anything. « 
A former U. S. ambassador to South Korea says Washington has « no good military options » to push back against North Korea other than stronger bilateral cooperation with China.
« We say ‘everything is on the table’ is because basically none of the options are particularly good options, » Christopher Hill said in an interview with John Catsimatidis that aired Sunday on New York’s AM 970.
« There are no good military options. You know, we’ve done a lot on sanctions. It’s the most sanctioned country in the world — that hasn’t worked. We tried to have negotiations with them — that hasn’t worked. But I think what could work is a much better understanding between the U. S. and China, » he maintained.
« There is no question North Korea’s threat is growing, but they’ve been a threat for some 20 years, » he said.
« In the last few years, North Korea’s threat has really grown … now we are seeing them modernize their missile arsenal such that it’s quite likely in the near future … North Korea will have a deliverable nuclear weapon.

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