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Ivanka Surprised By 'Level Of Viciousness' In DC


Ivanka Trump appeared on « Fox and Friends » Monday to talk about her experience in the White House, working with her father, and her impressions of Washington
Ivanka Trump appeared on “Fox and Friends” Monday to talk about her experience in the White House, working with her father, and her impressions of Washington, D. C. saying she didn’ t expect it to be this extreme.
She started off by addressing the James Comey hearings saying that her father felt “vindicated”and “optimistic” after the public testimony, and that the focus should return to things like infrastructure and the remaining domestic agenda.
When host Brian Kilmeade asked her about distractions like the Russia investigation getting in the way of their legislative plans, Ivanka said that the reality of governing was harder than what they had envisioned.
“It is hard, and there’s a level of viciousness that I was not expecting. I was not expecting the intensity of this experience but this isn’ t supposed to be easy.”
She added, “my father and this administration intends to be transformative and we want to do big bold things and we are looking to change the status quo so I didn’ t expect it to be easy.”
“Some of the distractions and some of the ferocity was, I was a little blindsided by on a personal level, ” she said. “But for me I’ m trying to keep my head down, not listen to the noise and just work really hard to make a positive impact in the lives of many people.”
The senior White House adviser closed by saying her issues and worries were nothing compared to those in America who are suffering from real economic or personal hardship.
“At the end of the day if you want to think about difficult it’s the factory worker who’s been laid off. Difficult is the mother who’s lost a child to opioid abuse. Those are the real challenges and I think that does put it in perspective for me every time we get out into the country, and meet with American people who are very optimistic about what’s happening, ” she said.
“There is a tremendous energy but there is also real challenges and that’s what we are looking to address.”
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